1162 - 1874 Proof-64 PCGSKagin's, Inc
1874 Proof-64 PCGS
The frosted motifs and mirrored fields are aglow with a rich arrangement of peach and gold iridescence, evenly dispersed and easy
Bidding Has ConcludedSold for (5,500.00 + 1,100.00BP) = 6,600.00
1163 - 1875 Type I / II. AU-53 PCGSKagin's, Inc
1875 Type I / II. AU-53 PCGS
Deep steel-gray throughout with lively silver highlights around the devices on both sides. Type I obverse, ribbon ends
Bidding Has ConcludedSold for (1,025.00 + 205.00BP) = 1,230.00
1168 - 1878-S T$1 AU58 PCGSKagin's, Inc
1878-S T$1 AU58 PCGS
A lightly circulated Trade Dollar with plenty of prooflike flash on both sides.
Grading Company: PCGS AU58
Bidding Has ConcludedSold for (430.00 + 86.00BP) = 516.00